As communication technology has diversified, posted letters have become less important as a routine form of communication; they however still remain but in a modified form. For example, the development of the telegraph shortened the time taken to send a letter by transferring the letter as an electrical signal (for example in Morse code) between distant points. At the telegraph office closest to the destination of the letter, the signal was transferred back into a hardcopy format and sent as a normal mail to the person's home. This allowed the normal speed of communication to be drastically shortened for larger and larger distances. This required specialised technicians to encode and decode the letter. The facsimile (fax) machine took this one step further: an entire letter could be completely transferred electrically from the sender's house to the receiver's house by means of the telephone network as an image. Today, the Internet is becoming (or has become) the predominant medium for sending letters. The term e-mail, meaning electronic mail, has entered into everyday speech. By analogy, the term letter is sometimes used for e-mail messages with a formal letter-like format. (And regular letters, since they take longer, are often called "snail-mail.") Letters are still used, particularly by law firms and businesses, for official (public) notifications, sometimes advertising. This is because of three main advantages: There are numerous situations in day-to-day business that can warrant a thank you letter. Some typical situations include: appreciation for special consideration extended by another organization, thanking a speaker for a presentation at a board meeting, customer appreciation letters thanking customers for their patronage, thanks to employees for exceptional service or performance, thanks to an individual or organization for a customer referral, appreciation to volunteer service workers for their personal contributions to a public service campaign, etc. 
Letter of resignation from the

resignation letter layout.

resignation letter layout.

The layout looks sort of like

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Resignation Letter Notice

Resignation Letter Notice

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Resignation Letter

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Hinton Resignation Letter

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Best Resignation Letter: Gaspcountsucligh: Resignation Letter Layout

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Letter of resignation from the
resignation letter layout.

resignation letter layout.
The layout looks sort of like
resignation letter layout
Resignation Letter Notice
Resignation Letter Notice
Resignation Letter This
Resignation Letter
resignation letter layout
Hinton Resignation Letter
Best Resignation Letter: Gaspcountsucligh: Resignation Letter Layout
Best Resignation Letter: Gaspcountsucligh: Resignation Letter Layout
Business Letter Layout
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