Human billboards have been used for centuries. In 19th century London, the practice began when advertising posters became subject to a tax and competition for wall space became fierce. Prince Pückler-Muskau described the activity in 1820s London as such:

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The banning of posters from private property in London in 1839 greatly increased the use of human billboards. Besides holding signs, some human billboards would wear sandwich boards. Charles Dickens described the advertisers as "a piece of human flesh between two slices of paste board". As the novelty of seeing humans carrying placards wore off, advertisers would come up with variations on the theme in order to catch the eye, such as having a "parade" of identical human billboards, or having the human billboards wear outrageous costumes.

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Human directionals are still widely used, especially in areas that have a lot of pedestrian traffic, but even in places that have a great deal of automobile traffic. For the latter, the signs will frequently be shaped like arrows in order to direct traffic to the location being advertised. Eye Shot, a Lake Forest, California company claims to have invented modern sign spinning using arrow-shaped signs. The modern human directional employs a number of tricks to attract attention, such as spinning the sign on one finger, throwing it up in the air and spinning it, or even riding the sign like a horse. Another California company, AArrow Advertising, conducts "boot camps" to train its employees, and has also filed patent applications for a number of its "signature moves".

Tattooed Head

Head Tattoos

Head Tattoos

Head Tattoos
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The banning of posters from private property in London in 1839 greatly increased the use of human billboards. Besides holding signs, some human billboards would wear sandwich boards. Charles Dickens described the advertisers as "a piece of human flesh between two slices of paste board". As the novelty of seeing humans carrying placards wore off, advertisers would come up with variations on the theme in order to catch the eye, such as having a "parade" of identical human billboards, or having the human billboards wear outrageous costumes.
Head Tattoo For Men
Human directionals are still widely used, especially in areas that have a lot of pedestrian traffic, but even in places that have a great deal of automobile traffic. For the latter, the signs will frequently be shaped like arrows in order to direct traffic to the location being advertised. Eye Shot, a Lake Forest, California company claims to have invented modern sign spinning using arrow-shaped signs. The modern human directional employs a number of tricks to attract attention, such as spinning the sign on one finger, throwing it up in the air and spinning it, or even riding the sign like a horse. Another California company, AArrow Advertising, conducts "boot camps" to train its employees, and has also filed patent applications for a number of its "signature moves".
Tattooed Head

Head Tattoos

Head Tattoos

Head Tattoos
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